Nassau County Lawyer Defending Clients Against Weapon & Firearm Criminal Charges
New York has some of the strictest weapons and firearms laws in the country. If you violate one of these laws, you could face serious penalties, including imprisonment and substantial fines.
You need to fight these charges in order to avoid grave legal penalties, but you shouldn’t do this alone. Turn to the trusted weapons and firearms defense attorney Gianni Karmily for legal representation at once.
What Are the Weapon and Firearm Laws in New York?
There are a number of laws in this state that govern the possession, sale, purchase, and use of weapons and firearms. These laws include:
- Criminal possession of a weapon
- Criminal possession of a firearm
- Criminal possession of a dangerous weapon
- Unlawful possession of weapons by persons under 16
- Unlawful possession of a weapon upon school grounds
- Criminal use of a firearm
- Manufacture, transport, disposition, and defacement of weapons and dangerous instruments or appliances
- Criminal sale of a firearm
- Criminal sale of a firearm with the aid of a minor
- Criminal sale of a firearm to a minor
- Criminal purchase or disposal of a weapon
- Aggravated criminal possession of a weapon
- Prohibited use of weapons
- Unlawful possession of large-capacity ammunition feeding device
- Unlawful possession of certain ammunition feeding device
- Safe storage of rifles, shotguns, and firearms
These laws collectively prohibit various activities, including the use or possession of illegal weapons, the use or possession of weapons or firearms by certain individuals, such as minors and felons, and the use or possession of weapons or firearms in certain locations, such as on school grounds. If you are charged with any of these weapons or firearms offenses, it’s in your best interest to contact criminal defense attorney Gianni Karmily right away to discuss your legal options.
What Are the Penalties For Weapon and Firearm Crimes?
The penalties for weapons and firearms offenses will vary depending on the nature of the crime. Most weapons and firearms crimes are felonies. The most serious offenses are criminal possession of a dangerous weapon in the first degree, criminal use of a firearm in the first degree, and criminal sale of a firearm in the first degree. These three offenses are class B felonies, which are punishable by up to 25 years in prison in addition to $5,000 in fines.
The unlawful possession of a weapon upon school grounds is the only weapons and firearms offense that is a violation. This offense is punishable by up to 15 days in jail.
Some weapons and firearms crimes are misdemeanors, including criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree, and the unlawful possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device. These misdemeanor crimes are punishable by up to one year in jail or three years of probation in addition to up to $1,000 in fines.
How Can A Criminal Defense Attorney Fight Weapon and Firearm Charges?
Crimes involving weapons or firearms are aggressively prosecuted in the state of New York. To fight these charges, you will need help from a skilled weapons and firearms attorney.
Attorney Gianni Karmily will carefully review the details of your case to determine the best way to defend you against the charges. He will represent you throughout the entire court proceedings, standing by your side and defending your rights every step of the way. His goal is to help you reach the best possible outcome in your case, whether that means winning an acquittal at trial or negotiating a favorable plea bargain on your behalf.
Gianni knows the devastation that a criminal conviction can cause. Having a conviction for a firearm or weapon offense on your record could haunt you for the rest of your life. This is what motivates Gianni to aggressively fight your charges and protect your freedom. Don’t hesitate to contact Law Firm of Gianni Karmily, PLLC immediately after being arrested for a weapons or firearms crime.
Set Up A Case Evaluation With Our Weapon and Firearm Crime Lawyer on Long Island
Have you been accused of committing a weapon or firearm crime? If so, seek legal representation from experienced criminal defense attorney Gianni Karmily as soon as possible. The penalties for a weapons or firearms charge are serious. Let Gianni work tirelessly to help you avoid a conviction and the penalties that come along with it. To schedule a confidential case evaluation with the Law Firm of Gianni Karmily, PLLC, call our Great Neck office at (516) 630-3405 or our Hempstead office at (516) 614-4228.